Wednesday, December 13, 2017


by: Alliya Mariz Verana

I am known to be mathematically weak. Numbers and variables, equations and everything about math are the most terrifying things I could ever encounter. That could be the reason why it is always hard for me to approach math teachers. I had also encountered a teacher who degraded me, well not literally, but it lowered my self-esteem. It destroyed my self-concept which lead me to a different path in life, different from what I really want. But that was not the case before. Let me bring you back to the days when a math teacher once believed in me, once believed I can. Let us call her Miss F, to maintain her anonymity. I will tell a simple story of how Miss F is different from other math teachers that I had.

I remember Miss F during our class time way back 2009. She was using manila papers where she wrote word problems for the class to answer. It was always a typical class discussion during math class, but her determination to teach students how to do mathematics was truly admirable. I used to be inclined with Mathematics in my whole elementary, I guess neither the teachers nor I had a choice. Whenever I would join math contests, she would teach me and my teammates how to do these and that. She was very calm yet serious in teaching. Unlike others, she was not a terror teacher. I was doing fine in math during those times, I don’t know what happened after graduation. Back to my teacher, I asked her what strategy did she used during my elementary days. She told me about inductive method, she also added that it was the strategy commonly implemented by most teachers in the old curriculum.

As I can remember, most of us in the classroom are sitting still while listening and watching her solve problems and do math. Right hands holding pens, with our notebooks on the desks. You would never really know who is listening or not since during those time, teachers were the center of the class. She also said that to me before, that in the old curriculum we had, no other materials were used to catch the attention of students, but the teachers themselves. We only had blackboard, some chalks, charts, flashcards and the like as our instructional materials. You were lucky if you have a television and a DVD player inside the room, which I experienced in grade 1. The curriculum implemented, the approach that Miss F and the other teachers used during my elementary times, would really hurt your fingers a lot.

Talking to Miss F again after so many years brought many memories fresh to my mind. A year after we graduated elementary, a new curriculum was implemented and not being included was a big disappointment. I remember how we were only relying on the teacher with our papers and pencils. Now a lot of changes had been brought by the K-12 curriculum. She told me that as a teacher implementing the K-12 curriculum inside the classroom, she facilitates her students in their activities, unlike before that we only stay in our seats while listening. She uses media like video presentations that would capture the attention of her students. She also adapts to the learning style and considers the level of learning of the students by giving them varied activities. In her class, student-centered approach is strongly implemented.

With the opportunity that I have, I asked her one thing that I am always curious about, “how different are we from your students right now?” With her answer she pointed out the positive and the negative effects of the use of technology inside the classroom. According to her, students from old curriculum tend to be more serious in studying at some point. Since there was less technology during those times, students were only focused on the subject matter. Although this would have an implications on the mastery and competency level of the students. Students today are more inclined with technology and trends. Some students are less serious since their attention is only driven by technology. The use of technology can sometimes be a form of distraction if not well-utilized. Nonetheless, she also cleared that student learning is just the same through the years. In spite of curriculum, approach or strategies implemented, learning would still depend on the students and how they take these factors into their learning.

It was a good feeling to talk to one of the teachers who inspired me, especially now that I’m taking the same path. There is also another math teacher who considered and acknowledged my skills in other fields, despite of my weakness in math. They may not know it, but I am very thankful to both of them. Because unlike the others, they believed that I can be successful in my own field, with my own skill and talent. They made me realized that I don’t have to excel in everything just to be called smart, just to be called successful. I just have to be me.

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