Tuesday, December 12, 2017

My teacher in Physci is Kikay

by: Rosemarie Gonzales

It was fourth year high school when I first saw her, my classmates (particularly boys) are talking about this new, pretty teacher that they saw during the flag ceremony earlier. I remember the first time I saw her enter our classroom, like any student felt that that day— I am very much stunned by her, and she has this very bubbly and approachable aura that everyone loves about her. She first introduce herself, she loves to dance and she is very millennial or simply says very “kikay” and just as I expected, she is also a nice and witty woman. She have not only the beauty but definitely the brains too., Then the class starts formally, I still can remember my first quiz in her subject I was so embarrassed—I got a score of 3 out of 20 items! But I promised myself I will that I get back up again, then to my surprise she approached me, I’m very surprised, it’s the very first time a teacher gave such attention to me, in my existence to that school for 3 years it is really the first time, she sit beside me and immediately starts to ask me what part I didn’t understand I embarrassingly said “No, Ma’am I can handle this”. While, slowly bowed my head because I can sense that my classmates are gawking at us. I can still remember the words she exactly whisper to me “I’m not here to judge your score, I’m here to improve it”. Then, she smile widely. I almost cried because who I am to be cared that way, I’m just an average student who belong in between (not a slow or excellent learner). She barely know me and I barely know her. I’m not a fast learner when it comes to equation but she is very persistent to me and to my other classmates who need her help, she gave me pointers to review and started planning for assessing on what I already know. She is also very hands-on on our experiments, because before she makes the students do it, she try it herself first, she makes sure that it will work during her class, she designs it very well and alters something on the design of it, for the experiment to fit us. She, won’t let us do the experiment when she doesn’t try it first-hand, she is always prepared whenever she enters the room. 

She also have this “clock buddy” that my classmates and I really enjoy. She let us draw a clock (any shape we want) that numbers 1-12 then she let us roam around the room and ask for our classmates’ name and signature. And every time we have an activity she would say” Go to your Clock Buddy number __” and whoever name written on it is our partner. Her approach is more on real-life application of the lesson, she doesn’t let a lesson passed that there is no experiment or activity is done. She is also giving points that makes me and my classmates very competitive with each other. I observed that even my classmate who doesn’t participate before are more attentive in her class now.
Like any other teacher she often use the Paper and pencil test, (that is to test our mastery of the lesson) and performance-based (like in demo-ing experiments and other Laboratory work,). During our reporting, my classmates can also ask questions, related to the topic and that also serves as their recitation.  She use Criterion-referenced in her assessment since it is really written in teachers’ memo. But she said she is also in favor with the use of that since it is very clear; indicates what she will be expecting students to perform. In terms of real Assessment she use Analytic Rubrics, to give valid opinion with base. Yes it’s quite time-consuming but it provide very good feedback to me and my classmates.

I observed at her class, she is teaching Grade 7 students right now. She is still the same beautiful and vibrant woman, she just finished her masters at LSPU I. observed that her approach is still the same but this time she spare time to discuss the results of Analytic Rubric; if which part of their performance or product is strong and which one needs improvement. Ma’am Jen is still very hands-on in assessing and evaluating each of his/her student. She always see to it that she meet the intended learning outcomes for her students. She is always after the long term impact of what she has taught. She is very careful in saying things to her students. For me, her opinion and judgment is facts, because there is a proof or base on all the things she is saying, especially in giving feedback for the students output. She also consider the preferences of her students for better way of learning. That is very important because it will lead in a good result of assessment.

I just realize right now that coping up with student needs is really her expertise. She has a great impact in my life. She made me appreciate numbers and analyzation, even though I suck at Mathematics. She makes me want to be like her. She makes me want to pick this profession and especially the subject I major right now, which is Physical Science. Ladies and Gentlemen, my 4th year Physics teacher, Ms. Jeniffer Satioquia. 

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