Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Nurse of Knowledge

Winmary Deonne I. Malitic

            A water that a plant needs to grow, that’s how I describe my teacher. She’s not just a teacher but also a nurse that cures students ignorance by knowledge, wisdom and love. I want you to meet my nurse of knowledge Mrs. Liberty Alejandrino.
            I did not have the opportunity to interview my teacher in MAPEH back then due to a hectic schedule. What I did is, I message her through Facebook. She's one of the great teacher I met when I was in my entire high school. My best experience is when she will post all the topics for the next discussion and we’ll copy. That’s the signature I will always remember about her.
            Manila papers. Those instructional materials she used for us to learn. The smell of knowledge that makes our hungry brain crave for more information.

            Red pens. Striking red ink in our notes every grading period. Checking if we written all the lessons for the upcoming exam.
            Through this strategy of hers I learned so many things. She still uses this as part of her teaching strategy and curriculum because she finds it effective. Those written lectures before discussion makes her students interactive during the discussion.
            I am grateful that I met her whom taught me a lot of things specially in life to strive harder and reach your dreams.

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